Last week I was determined to get to the gym and on a treadmill 2-3 times. Monday I was all set and ready to bust out a couple of miles... then I got an email that my gym was closed due to a pipe bursting. So, I joined another gym. "I need a gym where I can always get a treadmill and I need a gym with space to stretch." I said to the manager at my soon to be 2nd gym. He said he could almost guarantee that even on the busiest nights there would always be a treadmill open. Then he asked what my goals were. "I'm running the marathon... also, I've got to get on a treadmill now... I have an hour until I need to leave for my hockey game." The man looked at me like I was some sort of super girl jock and then kind of giggled when he sized me up. He gladly signed me up, ran my credit card, and let me get to it. Would you believe there were no treadmills free? Ug! Elliptical it was. Oh well. At least I got some running in at hockey. Hit the treadmill Wednesday and Thursday for 4-5 miles. That machine continues to be the most boring thing ever but at least I can watch American Idol to make the time go by.
The hockey season has 2 more games left and then I'm taking a season off. I'll miss the team but I've got to focus on getting the week day running in from here til April 18th. The ski slopes will have to wait til next season to see me again, too. I've also given up alcohol entirely (well almost entirely, I'm allowed 3 exceptions) from now til I cross the finish line. I've kissed fun Friday nights goodbye as well. Nothing but dinner in, a netflix, and an early bedtime for this girl due to 7am wake up calls for the Saturday morning long runs. It will all be worth it!
Speaking of long runs... this past Saturday I completed my longest distance yet! 15 miles in 2hours58mins and 25 seconds. Slow, but 3 hours or less was my goal so I was more than happy! It hurt towards the end... hips, knees, and ankles but I pushed through by yelling and swearing at myself. The local people out walking their dogs must have thought I was crazy! Fine by me... whatever it takes to get this DUN!
This Saturday 17 miles... starting at mile 9 on the course through the finish line... meaning I'll attack heart break hill for the first time!
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