Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Week 5 - brrr, it's cold out there!!

Did you know you're supposed to dress for 20 degrees warmer than what it actually is when running? I knew that, but I didn't know it was going to be single digit temperature on Saturday morning. So, I layered for 30 degrees (50) and needless to say I froze the whole time.

My plan was to run 9 miles. Due to the weather it'd seem only logical to do less. Is there anything logical about running a marathon? No way! So, I did 10 because the 5 mile point was where the 2nd water stop was and I needed some fuel (gatorade) to turn around and run back. Oh, and the town of Wellesley does a great job at plowing sidewalks (insert sarcasm here). If the running alone didn't get my heart rate up running on the street with cars passing within inches of me certainly did.

Finished 10 miles in 2 hours (12 minute miles) which I was stoked about (coaches say to run 1-2 minutes slower than your race pace). Here's PRAYING my race pace can be 10 minute miles (wishful thinking)!

The knee still hurts but checked in with my PT on Friday and I'm a tad bit stronger than a 6 year old now, haha. Sweet, the funny leg lifts must be working!

1 comment:

  1. is your PT giving you any extra exercises for your knee? Be careful! Sounds like your training is going well so far, crazy dedication you have :) BTW, you've inspired me to look into a "race across America" with a relay team, I'd be doing 17 miles total (not all at once, leave that insanity to YOU!) It's in September, wanna do it? <3
